Want Placements? Reframe Pitches to Offer Solutions

March 7, 2014 BG&A Staff
Let's Get Started


There are many different roles PR professions must fulfill on a daily basis to keep clients and bosses satisfied. One of those roles that may not be immediately realized is that of salesperson. When we pitch the media we are convincing them they should take the time to read our copy. Releases that are picked up tend to offer solutions for readers instead of demanding something.

A recent article about how to effectively pitch journalists revealed ways of increasing the odds of getting a response on press releases. Using these suggestions could be better than wondering if the release was even seen at all.

Journalist’s phones ring several times an hour with calls from publicists asking something like, “Did you receive the press release I sent last week?” Journalist’s usual response is “I receive several hundred pieces of mail a day. If you sent it to me, it’s probably sitting in my in-basket.” That is the response on a good day. Responses could also be negative and discouraging.

There are a few PR professionals who instead of telling journalist their woes and outlining what they demanded of them they thought to reframe the issue. They anticipated potential problems, and, best of all, they came up with solutions.

In other words, they take the time to explain how they can help journalists. There is no “You owe it to My Theatre Company to support our new show.” It is “Here’s how this story will help/entertain/inform your readers.” They didn’t expect that the journalist owed them anything. Successful PR pros are always selling their client.

If readers are going to invest their time in your writing, they must be convinced it’s going to be worthwhile. First, you have to get their attention. The best way to do this is, almost always, is to tell a story. Stories are everything to readers. They provide context and make the dull interesting.

Second, you have to focus on what the reader wants to learn. This may not be the same as what you want to write, but if you don’t give the readers what they want, then they’re not going to read.

This is all may seem like a lot of work, but it will make your writing more interesting to your readers. If you want your words to stand out among the millions that are published every day, then you have a duty to be interesting.

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