In PR, Everything is Your Job, Even Marketing Tactics

March 10, 2014 BG&A Staff
Let's Get Started


PR professionals will be the first to tell you that their job description has nothing to do with marketing and those responsibilities are left to the ‘marketing department’. In today’s highly competitive world marketing sits across all functions of business. If you run your own business this will become a daily task that is just another requirement to turn a profit.

A recent article about essential marketing skills everyone should know revealed some tactics that even PR professionals should know to elevate clients to the next level of success. Here are some of those tactics:

1. Understand the 80/20 Rule

Everyone’s heard of the 80/20 rule, but you may not realize how important it is in the world of marketing. Also known as Pareto’s Principle, in business the rule tells us that 80 percent of your sales come from 20 percent of your customers. The actual percentages may vary, but essentially it means that you have to recognize where your profits come from and specifically target those customers. Your marketing and advertising budget should take account of this, or you will be wasting time and effort.

2. Customer Segmentation

Taking the 80/20 Rule a step further, you should understand the different types of customers you deal with and tailor your approach to them. There are hundreds of ways you can segment customers, and only you can decide which is right for your business. For example, you could segment customers based on their age, how they trade with you, their average monthly order, or even their geographical location. Once you have segmented your customers into groups, you can develop strategies for the best way to deal with them.

3. Social Media Marketing

Just a couple of years ago social media marketing was seen as a passing fad. Sites and services like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are now part daily life, and they are incredibly powerful marketing tools if used in the right way. Social media can be used to identify and market to very specific customer groups for very little cost. Sites like Facebook allow you to develop conversations with customers and prospects, and you can capture feedback and ideas in an instant. Social media allow you to develop your company’s brand and to establish yourself as an expert in unique and interesting ways.

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