Clutch Names Bob Gold & Associates a Top Media Public Relations Firm

October 14, 2019 Andrew Laszacs
Let's Get Started



At Bob Gold & Associates, clients are given personalized attention, valuable communications counsel, and streamlined strategic execution. For our clients who range from Fortune 500 firms to startups, our goal is to educate media and analysts about their agencies, establish their executives as thought leaders, ad demonstrate the effectiveness of their products or services. Our over 20 years of experience means our team has the experience, track record, and contacts to ensure our clients succeed. By providing more bang for our clients’ budgets, we have been recognized as a leading public relations firm in the media industry.


Clutch awarded Bob Gold & Associates a leading public relations agency in the media industry! Through our relationship with Clutch, we have not only garnered recognition as an industry leader but also new clientele:


By creating a Bob Gold & Associates profile and submitting frequent client reviews, we’ve been successful at highlighting our successes which has translated into securing new business.


The ratings and reviews platform based in Washington, D.C. connects business. Annually, the team awards companies ranked highly on the platform. Clutch determines rankings based on market presence, project histories, and verified reviews.


One satisfied client spoke with a Clutch analyst to provide the following review:



The Manifest expands upon the success of our client relations. The B2B buying guide lists Bob Gold & Associates as one of the top 25 boutique PR agencies. To support informed hiring decisions, the platform lists industry leaders with relevant business information including details about a notable project, company size, and location.


We look forward to expanding our relationship with Clutch by developing a presence on their second sister site, Visual Objects, which features the portfolios of industry leaders. The site connects buyers with B2B service providers with visual content to encourage effective collaboration.


The entire Bob Gold & Associates team appreciates the award and the time our clients have taken to speak with Clutch.


Ready to tell a great story? We can’t wait to hear from you.

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