Bob Gold & Associates Chosen as Expert in Recent Report

February 8, 2019 BG&A Staff
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In a recent report released by Clutch, a B2B research and reviews firm, Bob Gold & Associates is featured as an industry leader and Bob Gold shared his insight on how businesses should approach corporate social responsibility.

Most people say businesses across industries should commit to corporate social responsibility, regardless of industry.

How a company approaches corporate social responsibility can influence people’s buying decisions and people want to support businesses that share their values.

Gold emphasized the importance of trust, consistency, and value to a business’s PR strategy.

“There are three core qualities that are essential to every business,” Gold said. “These are trust, consistency, and value. Business need to ask themselves how do we build trust? How do we deliver consistency and what does that look like? What is value?”

When approaching corporate social responsibility, businesses need to consider how they display trust, consistency, and value in their brand and how they relay these qualities to their customers.

Understand the Value and Fragility of Trust

With social media and the internet, the world is more transparent than ever and people expect businesses to be transparent and hold themselves accountable.

“Trust is in every step of the supply chain,” Gold said. “When you say something, you should mean it.”

Businesses should not only talk about why social responsibility is important, but embody social responsibility in every part of their business model.

Build Trust Through Consistency

Building trust is a gradual process that depends on your ability to communicate consistent messages about your brand and its value to your customers.

Anytime a business adopts policies of corporate social responsibility, they should think about how it relates to their brand purpose and their customers’ values.

“You always want to stay close to the mission of the brand so that it’s an authentic statement,” Gold said. “It’s authentic in that’s consistent with the values of the brand and it provides continuing value because we believe in what’s going on.”

Perception in PR and Corporate Social Responsibility Matters

PR and corporate social responsibility are closely linked, but are not synonymous. If corporate social responsibility is approached purely from a PR standpoint, people may view the brand as unauthentic.

A brand that doesn’t consider their PR strategy at all when approaching corporate social responsibility also doesn’t consider their brand purpose or customers, which can mean people may start to view the brand negatively.

“Businesses have to believe in what they’re doing,” said Roxanne Leone. “We don’t believe in publicity stunts. We believe in recommending the right publicity with the right social reason.”

PR and corporate social responsibility are interconnected, but different aspects of business and brand.

Businesses should consider their PR strategies when adopting socially responsible policies that are both relevant to their brand and customers.

Consider What Makes Sense for Your Brand

Bob Gold & Associates approach corporate social responsibility how it makes sense for our individual clients.

As one of the top PR agencies, we help our clients identify their brand values and expectations of their customers so they can adopt corporate social responsibility policies that will elevate their brand, the cause they choose to support, and their customers who share the same values.

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