10 Top Tools for PR measurement

October 16, 2013 BG&A Staff
Let's Get Started

There are a lot of things to consider when you’re figuring out which PR measurement platform to use: your budget, the business outcome you want, what social channels you want to measure, how many tools you want to use, the insights you want to get, how broad the scope is, and the list goes on.

Then there’s the question of what to measure: page views, followers, website visitors, average time on a site, impressions, “likes” and “unlikes,” retweets, mentions, your Klout score, search terms, etc. It’s a lot to deal with.

Every PR pro needs something just a little different from what their colleagues need. Odds are good that you’ll need a mix of tools. With that in mind, here is a list of tools that can help with your specific measurement requirements, even down to the cost.

Read the full story here

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