False Product Reviews are Happening More Often than You Know

February 7, 2014 BG&A Staff
Let's Get Started

Illustration for fake website testimonials

When a product or service does not meet basic standards the first place people complain is usually the Internet. But are all of those comments reliable? A recent study by YouGov revealed that 21% of Americans has reviewed a product or service online without ever buying, using or trying that product or service!

One would wonder what would possess a person to potentially harm the image of a product they have never used. Could it be kids that just have too much free time on their hands? In a shocking twist the survey revealed that adults are the perpetrators of these false reviews. There is not much of a difference in the gender gap among those who leave these types of unreliable reviews (23% of men versus 17% of women), the group that is most guilty of these negative reviews is parents of children younger than 18 (32%).

Now that we have identified who leaves these types of reviews it is important to understand why they are doing these things in the first place. The most common reasons:

  • 19% left a false review because they did not like the manufacturer or service provider
  • 22% did so because they didn’t like the idea of the product in question
  • 32% left a fake, potentially-damaging review because they “just felt like it”

Manufacturers know that nearly 8 out of 10 Americans check reviews online before purchasing a product or service and that it is important to halt these negative reviews. Some businesses are fighting back by taking legal action against non-customers who leave false reviews.

What do you think about this, readers? Have you ever reviewed something without giving it a try first? Let us know, your secret is safe with us.

To read the full story by Elizabeth S. Mitchell click here:

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