Cisco Virtual Media And Analyst Roundtable

Save The Date


February 4, 2021

8:00 – 9:00 AM PT


Virtual Media & Analyst Roundtable

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Our Speakers


Peggy Smedley

President, Specialty Publishing Media


John Chapman CTO of Broadband Technologies and Cisco Fellow Cisco

David Graham CIO, Office of Innovation Economic Development
City of Carlsbad

Israel Madiedo Innovation and Technology Director
izzi (Televisa Group)

Mo Katibeh Mo Katibeh Chief Product and Platform Officer, AT&T Business

Webinar Summary and Agenda

5G and Wi-Fi 6 are poised to be two of the biggest tech disruptors of the century. In a hyperconnected world, data will flow freely between more people, more places and more devices at speeds and volumes we’ve not seen before. With a wider, safer, faster network the possibilities are endless, giving way to a more inclusive future where everyone has the opportunity to stay connected to people and information, regardless of geography.

Cisco is bringing together senior industry execs, media and analysts to discuss the impact of these technologies across industries. We’ll look holistically across networks and platforms and dive into the realities of where we are today, challenges overcome, and how soon we can reap the benefits.

  • 8:00 – 8:05 am: Welcome
  • 8:05 – 8:10 am: Panelist introductions
  • 8:10 – 8:45 am: Roundtable discussion
  • 8:45 – 8:55 am: Live Q&A
  • 8:55 – 9:00 am: Wrap & Thank you
be sure to add this free webinar to your calendar, now!