Good Writing Skills and Public Relations are a Match Made in Heaven

February 6, 2014 BG&A Staff
Let's Get Started

Writing is important 3

People who are just starting a career in public relations industry will tell you that they chose this career path because they are a) social, b) respectful or c) want to interact with celebrities. Although those can be attributes of a PR professional, one of the quickest lessons learned in the real world is that good writing skills are required to advance quickly in this industry. Knowing the latest trick on social media doesn’t mean much if you can’t convince anyone of your client’s message.

The ability to write effective press releases, pitch letters and editorials, mixed with key people skills, go a long way to ensure success for you and your client.

In terms of journalism, the expression of facts, viewpoints and perspectives are truly effective when written so, that the reader can get lost in the content and return to reality upon completion of an article.

To read the full story by Evan Peterson click here:

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